In life, we come to deal with different challenges, situations or random events that evoke strong emotions on us. Stress is known to everyone. And as far as the mobilizing effect is not so bad, it is very frustrating adverse effect on our health. People have many ways to cope with these emotions. Some are in favor of static stress in the gym, others go to therapy and enjoy the calming pills, and still others find solace in a box of ice cream, a chocolate cake or another kilogram. Not the way, my dear!
Magnesium and vitamins (especially B6) are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and so we have to eat them as much as possible, in order to calm the nerves. What to eat to feel better?
Bananas - containing protein, iodine, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and PP. They support the formation of the hormone serotonin, the so-called hormone of happiness. Similar effects have tomatoes, potatoes, watercress and grains.
Cocoa - is largest source of magnesium. Similarly, the act nuts, pumpkin seeds and cereal.
Beet - is in them a lot of B vitamins and magnesium. Positive effect on the brain and improve concentration.
Legumes - supply of zinc, phosphorus and vitamin H regulate the central nervous system and counteract the depressive mood.
Potatoes - source of potassium. They lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, headaches caused by combat stress, soothe.
Nuts - located therein lanolin acid, potassium, selenium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Fish - source of unsaturated fatty acids. Strengthen the nervous system.
Poultry - is primarily a source of protein and vitamin B.
Groat - has a large amount of silicon, phosphorus, and vitamin B.
Pepper - contains vitamin C, which has a positive impact on the improvement of humor.
If you really want to eat something sweet, then reach for dark chocolate, which has a lot of magnesium.
A very positive effect on the body has ginseng, which soothes the nerves and improves memory and concentration. It is important to drink plenty of water, fruit juices and herbal teas. Tea with lemon balm or lavender calms, and tea with hazel has a preventive effect and protects against colds.
Products to avoid include:
Coffee in large quantities, as we become more susceptible to stress and irritable.
Alcohol work relaxess, but only for a moment. Generally has a negative effect on the nervous system.
Saturated fatty acids contained eg in potato chips or French fries, cause irritability and lethargy.
Caution! Anti-stress diets should not be used longer than two days.
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